DS9, Season 2 - Part 2

Jake Sisko has made more headway with the Ferengi Alliance in two years than Jean-Luc Picard will ever make, ever. Let’s just remember that, and that Sarah J Maas miiight be a Deep Space Nine fan, and that Gul Dukat is a big sack of crap and rationalization.

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“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material, purely in a review context. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!

This episode uses the following sound effect from freesound.org:

synth-sparkle.wav by komit (https://freesound.org/people/komit/sounds/399294/)