Assignment: Earth/Spock's Brain

Your Away Team finishes season 2 with the backdoor pilot (and… ahem… Roddenberry’s best shot at trying to steal Doctor Who from the Brits) with “Assignment: Earth.” We then begin are harrowing journey through season 3 with the maligned, mocked, and marginal Spock’s Brain…

After which we make a fateful decision about the future of our journey through the final frontier. See you next time for the movies!

New episodes released every other Friday on all your favorite podcasting portals! For more content and information, visit With our shift to the movies, BIG THINGS will be happening here, including more content, so stay tuned! Or as tuned as one can be when the thing we’re dealing with is a podcast…

“The Holodeck is Broken” is a commentary and review podcast. As such, we sometimes use some copyrighted material. Any and all material that originally appeared in a Star Trek television program or feature film remains under the copyright of Paramount Pictures and/or CBS.

#startrek #rewatch #fandom #zlee #erisoreilly #lorasuttonboyle #macboyle

And remember: any copyrighted material appears on our show for review purposes only!

This episode uses the following sound effect from

synth-sparkle.wav by komit (

Music Credits:

This source has licensed the content included in the video under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.